Learn How to Start Unpacking After a Move

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Where Do I Start Unpacking?

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Once your removal is complete and all your belongings are in your new home, it's time to start the last step of your move: unpacking.

While the task ahead may seem daunting, there is an unpacking process you should follow to keep the final portion of your removal organised.

First night kit

Before unpacking anything else, unbox your first night kit which holds all your essentials for the first evening and a couple days in your new home.

If you packed your kit in clear plastic containers as recommended, finding these items should be even easier.

Important rooms

Your most-used rooms should be unpacked first. Rooms of particular importance include:
  • Your bathroom(s)
  • The bedroom(s)
  • The kitchen
Less important rooms such as guest bedrooms and family rooms can be unpacked once your essentials are taken care of.

Most-used items

In addition to unpacking important rooms first, you should also focus on unpacking your most-used essentials before anything else. These can include:
  • Groceries (especially perishables) that you relocated from your old home
  • Pots, pans, plates, silverware and cooking supplies like spices and utensils
  • Your clothing, shoes and any other necessary accessories
  • Anything you may require for work or school purposes such as electronics and home office supplies

Child's rooms

Do you have a young child or children? Unpack or help them unpack their rooms first to limit any stress the move may have caused. Surrounding them with familiar stimuli such as their own belongings will help them settle and acclimate faster. Older children should be allowed to unpack their own rooms to make the space theirs.

A space for pets

Much like younger children, the removal process can be stressful and confusing to pets. Surround them with familiar items like their toys and treats in an area that's away from the chaos of your move. Cold-blooded and smaller pets especially should be put in a quiet area away from stressful elements.

Stay organised

Whatever unpacking process you follow, the most important tip is to stay organised, which will expedite things and keep your stress levels to a minimum. This will be even easier if you followed our packing tips.
  • Find places for your furniture before you begin unpacking
  • Travel from room to room unpacking your things, starting with the most important rooms
  • Unpack the most used items first until each box is unpacked
  • Move all packing materials somewhere out of the way so you can recycle them properly later
Don't want to deal with the hassle of unpacking your home? Hire removal specialists to do it for you. Simply fill out a free-quote form to get started!

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on November 17, 2015

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